Bliss Burn 2025 Event General Rules

  • A Pillar of Our Gathering

    At Bliss Burn, the well-being of our community is paramount. Our collective safety is the foundation upon which the magic of our gathering is built. It’s not just about adherence to rules; it’s about caring for each other, our space, and the experience we share. Safety First is our mantra, guiding every decision, interaction, and activity within our vibrant ecosystem.

    Upholding Safety Standards:

    • Fire Safety: Given the inherent risks, all interactions with fire, whether for warmth, cooking, or art, must strictly follow our fire safety guidelines. Keep flammable materials at a safe distance, and never leave fires unattended.

    • Structural Integrity: Structures and art installations are expressions of our creativity but must also be sanctuaries of safety. Ensure all installations comply with safety standards to prevent accidents.

    • Awareness and Action Be vigilant. If you spot potential hazards, whether a loose rope on a tent or a precarious art piece, take immediate action. Report concerns to Bliss Burn staff or volunteers without delay.

    Active Participation in Safety:

    • Knowledge is Power: Familiarize yourself with the event’s safety guidelines, emergency procedures, and the locations of first aid stations. A well-informed Guardian is a prepared Guardian.

    • Be a Safety Ambassador: Encourage and remind others of the importance of safety. Share knowledge, offer help, and be proactive in creating a secure environment for all.

    • Emergency Response: Know how to react in an emergency. Whether it’s a medical issue, a fire, or any other urgent situation, understanding the steps to take can make a critical difference.

    Community Collaboration for a Safe Environment:

    • Volunteer for Safety Teams: Join our dedicated safety volunteers if you’re able. Your contribution can ensure a smooth and safe experience for everyone.

    • Promote a Culture of Care: Safety First means looking out for one another. It’s about more than following rules; it’s about fostering a culture where everyone feels protected and supported.

    Safety at Bliss Burn is a shared responsibility, a commitment we all make to each other. It’s the canvas upon which our creativity, expression, and connections thrive. By putting Safety First, we ensure that our gathering not only embodies the spirit of adventure but also reflects our deep commitment to the well-being of our community. Together, let’s make Bliss Burn a model of safety, care, and mutual respect, setting the stage for a truly transformative experience.

  • Embracing Diversity at Bliss Burn

    Diversity is the heartbeat of Bliss Burn. We welcome participants from all walks of life, recognizing that it is our differences that make our community stronger, more vibrant, and profoundly enriching. Whether it's through the languages we speak, the cultures we celebrate, or the personal journeys we share, every aspect of diversity adds depth and color to our gathering.

    Fostering a Respectful Environment:

    • Mutual Respect: Approach every interaction with an open heart and mind. Listen actively, engage thoughtfully, and honor the perspectives and experiences of others.

    • Mindful Communication: Words are powerful. Choose language that uplifts and respects. Be mindful of the impact your words may have, aiming to encourage and empower those around you.

    • Acknowledging Differences: Celebrate the uniqueness of each Guardian. Recognize that while we may have different beliefs or lifestyles, it is these very differences that offer opportunities for growth, learning, and connection.

    Zero Tolerance for Discrimination or Harassment:

    Bliss Burn is committed to providing a safe, inclusive space where all participants can explore, express, and engage without fear of discrimination or harassment. Any behavior that undermines this commitment—including, but not limited to, discrimination based on race, gender, sexuality, religion, or any other characteristic—is unequivocally unacceptable and will be addressed promptly.

    Active Inclusion Efforts:

    • Accessibility: We strive to make Bliss Burn accessible to all, with considerations for varying physical abilities, sensory needs, and other accommodations to ensure everyone can participate fully.

    • Safe Spaces: Designated areas and support networks are in place for those who may need a moment of solace, reflection, or simply a break from the energy of the larger gathering.

    • Inclusive Programming: Our lineup of activities, workshops, and performances is curated to reflect the diversity of our community, offering avenues for every Guardian to engage in ways that resonate with their interests and identities.

    Your Role in Promoting Respect and Inclusion:

    • Be an Ally: Stand up against discriminatory or harassing behavior. Offer your support to those who may feel marginalized or vulnerable.

    • Educate Yourself: Take the initiative to learn about cultures, identities, and experiences different from your own. Embrace the opportunity to grow and expand your understanding.

    • Lead by Example: Model respect and inclusion in your actions and interactions. Your behavior can inspire others to create a more compassionate, understanding community.

    Together, let's weave a fabric of respect and inclusion that encompasses every Guardian, making Bliss Burn a beacon of unity in diversity. Our shared commitment to these principles ensures that Bliss Burn remains a space where every individual can feel valued, heard, and celebrated.**

  • Embracing the Triangle of Consent

    Our gathering thrives within the Triangle of Consent, ensuring that every interaction is rooted in clear, enthusiastic, and ongoing agreement.

    What is the Triangle of Consent?

    The Triangle of Consent is a framework that guides our interactions, ensuring they are:

    • Enthusiastic: Consent should be given freely and with joy. Look for a resounding "yes" and engage only when it's evident that all parties are excited and eager to participate.

    • Informed: Understand fully what you're consenting to. This means all parties involved are aware of the context, nature, and potential impacts of any interaction, whether it's a conversation, a dance, or more intimate engagements.

    • Ongoing: Consent is not a one-time checkpoint. It's a continuous process, open to change. Check in regularly, and be prepared to pause or stop altogether if anyone's comfort level changes.

    Practical Applications at Bliss Burn:

    • Physical Interactions: Always ask before hugging, touching, or entering personal space. A simple "Is it okay if I hug you?" can foster a culture of respect and care.

    • Photography: Before capturing moments, seek permission from those involved. "May I take your photo?" respects privacy and agency, ensuring memories are shared with consent.

    • Participating in Activities: Whether joining a workshop, a dance, or any group activity, ensure all participants are on the same page and willing to be part of the experience.

    Respecting Boundaries and the Word 'No':

    Understanding and respecting boundaries are crucial. 'No' is a complete sentence and requires no justification. Honor and respect any decline of interaction with grace and understanding.

    Creating a Safe Space:

    By adhering to the Triangle of Consent, we create a safe, welcoming environment where all Guardians can explore, express, and experience Bliss Burn without fear or hesitation. It’s about building trust and fostering connections that respect individual autonomy and collective harmony.

    Your Role in Consent:

    Embrace the Triangle of Consent as a fundamental part of your journey at Bliss Burn. Your mindfulness and respect for consent contribute to the magic, making our gathering a powerful experience of community, love, and respect.

    Together, let's commit to a culture where consent is not only practiced but cherished—making Bliss Burn a beacon of consent culture in action.

  • Our Collective Commitment

    At Bliss Burn, the principle of Leaving No Trace transcends a mere guideline; it embodies a shared commitment to honor, preserve, and cherish the natural beauty of our gathering space.

    It's about more than just cleanliness; it's a respect for our environment, a nod to sustainability, and a pledge to future generations that we will tread lightly upon the Earth.

    Embracing Responsibility:

    • Personal Accountability: Take charge of your impact. From the smallest wrapper to the largest camp setup, ensure that what you bring in, you take out. Your space should leave no hint of your presence once you depart.

    • Community Effort: If you encounter litter, regard it as a collective responsibility. A piece of trash on the ground is not just someone else’s problem; it’s a call to action for all of us to maintain the sanctity of our shared space.

    Practical Steps for Leaving No Trace:

    • Preparation: Plan your visit with the intention of minimal impact. Use reusable containers, avoid unnecessary packaging, and bring only what you need.

    • Waste Management: Familiarize yourself with the event's recycling, composting, and trash disposal systems. Make an effort to separate your waste according to the designated areas to aid in efficient recycling and waste management.

    • Environmental Awareness: Stay mindful of the natural environment. Stick to established paths, avoid disturbing wildlife, and respect plant life. Our celebration should not come at the cost of the ecosystem’s health.

    A Ripple Effect:

    The principle of Leaving No Trace at Bliss Burn is not just for the duration of our gathering. It’s a mindset, a lifestyle choice that we hope you carry with you beyond the boundaries of our event. By practicing these principles, we contribute to a larger culture of respect for our planet, influencing others in our communities and in our lives to do the same.

    Your Role in Preserving Our Space:

    • Lead by Example: Demonstrate a commitment to Leaving No Trace in both action and spirit. Your dedication can inspire others to follow suit, creating a powerful wave of environmental stewardship.

    • Engage and Educate: Share the message and the importance of Leaving No Trace with fellow Guardians. Encourage your camp, your friends, and everyone you meet to embrace these values.

    Leaving No Trace is a collective journey towards environmental stewardship, a testament to our respect for the land that hosts us, and an act of gratitude for the beauty that surrounds us at Bliss Burn. By committing to this principle, we ensure that our gathering leaves a positive legacy, one that echoes our reverence for nature and our aspiration for a sustainable future. Together, let’s leave Bliss Burn better than we found it, setting a standard for mindful gatherings everywhere.

  • Navigating Safely and Respectfully

    To ensure a harmonious coexistence with our beautiful surroundings and local communities, we've established Vehicle and Parking Regulations that prioritize safety, respect, and environmental consciousness.

    Navigating to Bliss Burn:

    • Road Awareness: The road to our gathering winds through nature's beauty, with twists, turns, and some bumpy stretches. Patience and mindfulness on the road not only ensure your safety but also preserve the tranquility of our natural surroundings.

    • Speed Limit Compliance: Within and approaching the event area, adhere strictly to posted speed limits. Remember, the slower pace allows you to absorb the beauty around you while ensuring the safety of pedestrians and local wildlife..

    • Dust Control: Our route passes through neighborhoods where our friends and future friends live. Keeping dust down by driving slowly is a gesture of respect and goodwill towards the local communities that host us.

    Parking at Bliss Burn:

    • Designated Areas: Once you arrive, park only in areas designated by the event. These areas are planned to minimize environmental impact and ensure the safety and mobility of all attendees.

    • Follow Volunteer Guidance: Our parking volunteers are there to assist you. Following their instructions helps us maintain order, safety, and accessibility for emergency vehicles and service access.

    • Limited Day Pass Parking: If you're joining us with a Day Pass, parking is included for the day, designed to facilitate ease of access while keeping our grounds safe and uncluttered.

    Considerations for All Drivers:

    • Car Pooling: We encourage carpooling to reduce the number of vehicles, minimize environmental impact, and make new friends even before you arrive!

    • Vehicle-Free Zones: Some areas of Bliss Burn are designated as vehicle-free to protect the land and create safe, communal spaces. Please respect these zones and enjoy the freedom from vehicular noise and exhaust.

    • Leaving No Trace: Just as we pack out what we pack in, we also strive to leave no trace with our vehicles. Avoid spilling fluids and carry out any trash that may accumulate in your vehicle during your stay.

    The journey to Bliss Burn is an opportunity to transition from the hustle of everyday life to the mindful presence required to fully engage with our gathering. By respecting these Vehicle and Parking Regulations, we collectively ensure a smoother, safer experience for all, laying the foundation for a transformative event. Let's travel with awareness, kindness, and anticipation for the magic that awaits.

  • Capturing Moments with Respect

    At Bliss Burn, we celebrate the beauty and uniqueness of our gathering through photography and videography. However, in capturing these moments, we prioritize the privacy and comfort of all participants. Our Photography and Privacy policy outlines how we can collectively ensure that everyone's experience remains respectful and consensual.

    Consent is Paramount (See “Consent is Key” above):

    • Seek Explicit Permission: Always ask for consent before photographing or filming individuals. This not only respects personal boundaries but also fosters a culture of mutual respect and understanding.

    • Be Mindful of Group Settings: In group scenarios or performances, be aware of the dynamics and seek general consent if possible. When in doubt, ask.

    Privacy Considerations:

    • Respect Personal Spaces: Private spaces, such as individual camps or personal relaxation areas, are off-limits for photography unless explicit permission is granted by the occupants.

    • Sensitive Areas: Be extra cautious and respectful around spaces dedicated to quiet reflection, family activities, or any area marked as a privacy zone.

    Sharing and Distribution:

    • Thoughtful Sharing: When sharing images or videos on social media or other platforms, consider the privacy and wishes of those captured. Not everyone may be comfortable with their image being public.

    • Tagging and Identification: Avoid tagging individuals without their consent. Privacy extends beyond the physical space of the event into the digital realm.

    Professional and Hobbyist Photographers:

    • Registration and Identification: Photographers planning to use images commercially or for public display should register with the event organizers. This helps us know who is capturing images and for what purpose.

    • Guidelines and Boundaries: Registered photographers will be briefed on specific guidelines and areas where photography is restricted. Adhering to these guidelines is mandatory to maintain trust and privacy.

    Violation of Policy:

    Addressing Concerns: If you feel your privacy has been violated or witness inappropriate photography, please report it to event staff. We are committed to ensuring a safe and respectful environment for all.

    Our collective experience at Bliss Burn is enriched by the memories we capture and share. By embracing these guidelines, we ensure that photography enhances our gathering without infringing on individual privacy or comfort. Let's hold space for each other's boundaries and experiences, making Bliss Burn a haven for creative expression rooted in respect and consent

  • Bliss Burn invites you to step into a space of deep respect and mindful interaction with the vibrant culture and pristine environment of Costa Rica. As we gather in celebration, let's commit to being custodians of the land and respectful visitors among the communities that welcome us.

    Embrace Costa Rican Culture:

    Costa Rica, known for its "Pura Vida" lifestyle, is a beacon of peace, environmental preservation, and friendly hospitality. Let's honor this ethos by engaging with local traditions, supporting local artisans and businesses, and immersing ourselves in the rich tapestry of Costa Rican life. Learn a few phrases in Spanish, understand the history, and appreciate the country's commitment to conservation.

    Protect Natural Habitats:

    The unique biodiversity of Costa Rica is a treasure that we must protect. When exploring the lush landscapes, be it the rainforests, rivers, or beaches, ensure your actions do not disturb the natural habitat. Stick to marked trails, avoid leaving any trash behind, and be cautious of interactions with wildlife to keep the ecological balance intact.

    Responsible Interaction with Flora and Fauna:

    Costa Rica's flora and fauna are part of its mesmerizing allure. While it's tempting to get up close with exotic plants and animals, maintain a respectful distance to avoid stress or harm to wildlife. Do not feed animals, disrupt plant life, or collect natural souvenirs.

    Adhere to Local Norms:

    In keeping with the respect for local customs and community standards, Bliss Burn enforces a policy of no open nudity. This consideration ensures that both attendees and local residents feel comfortable and respected. Dress in a way that is expressive yet mindful of the cultural environment around you.

    By embodying these principles of cultural sensitivity and environmental respect, we not only enrich our own experience but also contribute positively to the communities and natural world that host us. Let's carry the spirit of "Pura Vida" in our hearts and actions throughout Bliss Burn and beyond.

  • Harmonizing Our Collective Experience

    At Bliss Burn, nestled in the enchanting landscape of Costa Rica, we cherish both the vivacity of shared melodies and the serene whispers of nature. Our Sound and Noise Control policy is designed to harmonize the diverse rhythms of our community, ensuring that every participant—whether they’re here for the pulsating beats or the tranquil moments—feels welcomed and respected.

    Creating a Balanced Soundscape:

    • Respectful Volume Levels: Embrace the vibrancy of music and celebration while being mindful of volume. Our goal is to create an immersive experience that doesn't overwhelm the natural ambiance or our fellow participants.

    • Consideration for Quiet Spaces: Designated family and quiet camps are sanctuaries for rest and rejuvenation amidst the festival’s dynamism. Honor these zones by keeping sound levels low and encouraging others to do the same.

    • Late-Night Etiquette: As the night deepens, we encourage the use of headphones for personal music enjoyment. This gesture of respect ensures that everyone can find peace or party at their own pace.

    Guidelines for Sound Systems and Musical Expression:

    • Curated Spaces for Amplified Sound: To maintain a harmonious environment, amplified sound is confined to specific areas and times, thoughtfully integrated within the event's landscape.

    • Community Collaboration: If you’re bringing a sound system, coordinate with nearby camps to negotiate volume and music style. It's through communication and compromise that we build a cohesive community.

    • Decibel Diligence: We ask that all sound systems adhere to established decibel limits, especially during designated quiet hours. This ensures that our collective celebration enhances, rather than detracts from, the overall experience.

    Fostering Respectful Interactions:

    • Feedback with Kindness: If a neighbor’s volume disrupts your experience, approach the situation with empathy. Often, a friendly conversation can lead to mutual understanding and adjustment.

    • Event Support: For unresolved sound concerns, our event team is here to help mediate and find solutions. Your comfort and enjoyment are paramount to us.

    Sound and noise control at Bliss Burn isn't about imposing limitations but about elevating our collective experience. By considering the impact of our sonic footprint, we foster an environment where every attendee, from the energetic dancer to the quiet contemplator, can find their space and rhythm. Together, let’s craft a soundscape that reflects the diverse and dynamic spirit of our gathering, ensuring Bliss Burn resonates with the joy and respect that define our community.

  • Fostering Harmony with Our Furry Friends

    At Bliss Burn, we aim to create an environment that respects the well-being of all our attendees, including those with special needs that are supported by service animals. In alignment with this, our Animal Policy is designed to ensure that everyone, including our four-legged companions, can enjoy the gathering in harmony and safety.

    Pet Restrictions:

    • No Pets Allowed: To maintain the health, safety, and comfort of all participants, pets are not permitted at the event. This policy helps prevent potential issues related to noise, safety, and interactions with wildlife in the area.

    • Service Animals Welcome: Recognizing the essential role that service animals play in supporting their owners, registered service animals are an exception to this rule. These animals are trained to perform specific tasks for individuals with disabilities, contributing to their autonomy and well-being.

    Guidelines for Service Animals:

    • Registration and Control: Upon arrival, owners must inform event staff of their service animal's presence. It's crucial that these animals are kept under control at all times to ensure they do not disturb other participants or wander off.

    • Behavior and Etiquette: Service animals must exhibit behavior appropriate for a public setting. This includes being non-aggressive and not causing disruptions to the event’s proceedings or to other attendees' experiences.

    • Owner Responsibility: Owners are responsible for the care, supervision, and clean-up after their service animals. Ensuring that your animal does not negatively impact the environment or experience of other participants is essential.

    Community Considerations:

    • Respect for Wildlife: Our gathering's location is home to diverse wildlife. Keeping pets at home helps prevent potential stress or harm to the area's natural inhabitants.

    • Awareness and Empathy: We ask all participants to be understanding and respectful towards individuals with service animals. These animals are not pets but essential support for their owners.

    Our Animal Policy is crafted with the dual goals of respecting the needs of individuals who rely on service animals while ensuring a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable environment for all participants. By adhering to this policy, we honor the spirit of inclusivity and mutual respect that is at the heart of Bliss Burn. Together, let's create a space where everyone, including service animals, can thrive in the magic of our collective experience.

  • Embracing Safety

    At Bliss Burn, safety remains our top priority, guiding our policies and practices. In alignment with this commitment and the unique environment of our gathering, we've established clear guidelines regarding fire usage, particularly campfires and fire performances.

    • No Open Fires Policy: Strict Prohibition: To ensure the safety of all participants and to preserve the natural beauty of our venue, open fires, including campfires, are not permitted anywhere within the event grounds. This policy is in place to prevent potential fire hazards in our dense, jungle-like setting.

    • Fire Performances: Professional Displays Only: Recognizing the mesmerizing art of fire performances, any such displays at Bliss Burn will be conducted by professionals under controlled conditions and with prior approval from the event organizers.

    • Safety Measures: These performances will adhere to strict safety protocols, including the use of designated areas away from campsites and attendees, equipped with safety equipment and supervised by experienced fire safety personnel.

    Alternative Light and Warmth Sources:

    • LED and Glow Arts: Participants are encouraged to bring LED lights, glow sticks, and other safe, electronic alternatives to enhance the visual experience of our gathering without the risks associated with open flames.

    • Layer Up for Warmth: As evenings in Plantalillo can be cool, we advise all guardians of the garden to prepare with appropriate clothing and blankets to stay warm during nighttime festivities.

    Awareness and Cooperation:

    • Inform and Educate: Volunteers and staff will be on hand to provide information and ensure compliance with our no open fires policy. Educational materials will also be available, highlighting the importance of fire safety.

    • Community Responsibility: We call upon each participant to embrace their role as guardians of both the garden and each other by respecting these guidelines, ensuring a safe environment for all.

    Violation of Fire Policy:

    Immediate Action: Non-compliance with the no open fires policy will result in immediate intervention by event staff and could lead to removal from the event to protect the safety and well-being of all attendees.

    Our collective experience at Bliss Burn is illuminated by the creativity, connection, and care we share. By adhering to our no open fires policy, we safeguard our community, our stunning natural venue, and the future of our gatherings. Let's light up Bliss Burn with our vibrant energy, innovative light art, and the warmth of our community spirit, creating a luminous and safe space for all.

  • Bliss Burn is committed to creating a space that’s safe, inclusive, and conducive to profound experiences for all, including the many families that join our gathering. Our Substance Policy is crafted not only with adherence to the strict drug laws of Costa Rica in mind but also with a deep respect for the diverse participants who call this event home.

    Illegal Substances:

    • Zero Tolerance: The possession, use, or distribution of illegal substances contradicts the spirit of our gathering and the laws of our host country, Costa Rica. Such actions will lead to immediate removal from the event.

    • Legal Implications: Costa Rica has stringent drug laws, and violation can result in severe legal consequences. As guests in this beautiful country, it's our duty to respect and abide by its regulations.

    Alcohol Consumption:

    • Mindful Consumption: While we permit alcohol for those of legal age, we advocate for its responsible consumption. Overindulgence not only endangers your well-being but also affects the community around you. No Open Containers.

    • Creating a Family-Friendly Space: With families and participants of all ages present, we strive to maintain an environment that’s respectful and welcoming. Let's ensure our actions and behaviors contribute positively to everyone's experience.

    Our Collective Responsibility:

    • Awareness and Accountability: Be mindful of how your actions and choices impact not just yourself but the wider Bliss Burn community. Let’s uphold a standard of conduct that respects individual well-being and collective harmony.

    • Supportive Community: If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, we encourage seeking support. Our gathering is a place of compassion and understanding, not judgment.

    • Education and Dialogue: Engage in conversations about responsible behavior and the impact of substances. Understanding and education are key to fostering a respectful and informed community.

    Our Substance Policy is more than a set of rules; it’s a reflection of our values and our commitment to creating a safe, inclusive, and enriching experience for every participant, especially the families and young ones among us. By embracing these guidelines, we not only ensure compliance with Costa Rica's laws but also cultivate an atmosphere of respect, safety, and mutual care. Let’s together make Bliss Burn a beacon of positive and transformative community gathering.

  • Medical Emergencies

    • Preparation: Know the locations of all medical stations on site and have a personal first-aid kit for minor issues.

    • Action: In the event of a medical emergency, remain calm and quickly seek help from the nearest medical station. If you cannot move, send someone to get help or call for medical assistance using the event's emergency contact number.

    • Follow-Up: Follow instructions from medical personnel. If you’re assisting someone in distress, stay with them until help arrives. Report the incident to event staff afterward for documentation and further assistance.

    Natural Disasters (e.g., Severe Weather, Earthquakes)

    • Preparation: Be aware of the event’s protocols for natural disasters, which are more likely given Costa Rica's tropical climate. Secure your belongings and know the safest structures or evacuation routes.

    • Action: At the first sign of a natural disaster (severe weather warning, earthquake tremors), head to designated safety zones or follow evacuation signs. Listen for announcements from event staff for real-time instructions.

    • Follow-Up: After the danger has passed, check in with event staff for further instructions. Avoid damaged areas and report any injuries or hazards to the event's emergency services.

    Missing Person

    • Preparation: Have a buddy system within your group, and designate meeting points in case someone gets lost. Ensure everyone, especially children, knows how to identify and approach event staff.

    • Action: If you or someone in your group is missing, immediately report to the nearest information or medical station. Provide a detailed description of the missing person, including their last known location and what they were wearing.

    • Follow-Up: Stay in constant communication with event staff coordinating the search. Once found, report back to confirm the person is safe.

    General Guidelines for All Emergencies

    • Communication: Always keep a charged phone or radio for emergencies. Know the event's emergency contact numbers.

    • Cooperation: Follow the directions of event staff, security, and emergency personnel at all times.

    • Awareness: Stay informed of any announcements or changes to the event’s schedule, especially those related to safety or emergencies.

    These procedures are designed to ensure everyone's safety and well-being during Bliss Burn. Familiarizing yourself with them in advance can make a significant difference in responding effectively to any situation that may arise.